An Overview Of Our Community Events (Online & Offline)

An Overview Of Our Community Events (Online & Offline)

Blog Post
June 20, 2024

We're sharing a recent announcement & update post from the community by
Mike Williams, which is more about our events (online & offline) that we have every week for the community. This was originally shared as a post in the community here.

Hey all, we’ve had lots of new members join us recently, so I wanted to share a post here with more about all of our community events (online & offline) that we do every week for the community.

As a reminder, you can see all of over events on our community calendar. This post will be sharing about all of our events so you can get an overview of them, learn about best practices for attending them, and how you can get the most out of our community through our events. I’ll also include links to our detailed event manuals for learning more about our events.

Weekly Group Chats

Every (or almost) Tuesday morning, we have marketplace founders & leaders join us for 50-55 min live conversations via Zoom. Our guests share more on their background, marketplace experience, learnings, unique insights, and also help answer questions with a group Q&A at the end. A few founders that have attended our group chats have mentioned that joining them is like attending a "live marketplace masterclass" since they're an opportunity for members to learn from, interact with, and meet some of the best marketplace founders & leaders.

We've had 160+ group chats with guests like Andrew Chen from a16z, Grant LaFontaine from Whatnot, Marco Zappacosta from Thumbtack, Spencer Rascoff from Zillow, Bastian Lehmann from Postmates, Pete Flint & James Currier from NFX, and others joining us. You can see the recordings from all of our past group chats here for reference.

Learn more about our group chats, View our Everything Marketplaces Group Chats Manual

Weekly Office Hours

Every Thursday we have group office hours via Zoom. Our office hours are a great way to meet other founders, chat through specific marketplace challenges you might be facing, questions you have, and get help from others.

They're usually a small group (5-15+), and designed to help you make progress with your marketplace startup. Regardless of the stage that you're at, you can bring all of your marketplace questions and we'll chat through them in detail. Our office hours are also a great way to have that extra bit of accountability every week as needed. Our office hours are a safe space for conversation, so not recorded.

Learn more about our office hours, View our Everything Marketplaces Office Hours Manual

Monthly Fundraising Meetings

The second or third Friday of every month we have fundraising meetings. Our fundraising meetings are a great way to connect with other founders who are actively fundraising at the early stages  Pre-Seed, Seed, & Series A stages) via Zoom, discuss strategies, process, share investor feedback, and get help from others in the community at the same stage in their fundraising journey (also others who might be a few steps ahead).

When you join a fundraising meeting, you can expect a casual, but very high quality conversation with our community leaders and other early stage marketplace founders. We typically have 30-35+ founders join and our fundraising meetings are designed to help you make progress with fundraising through a small group setting. Our fundraising meetings are a safe space for conversations, so not recorded.

Learn more about our fundraising meetings, View our Everything Marketplaces Fundraising Meeting Manual

Monthly Workshops

Every month we have community workshops, which are 50-55 min live workshops via Zoom where domain experts join us to lead workshops on specific topics that are relevant to us all as marketplace founders & teams. The format is a 25-30 minute presentation, followed by a group Q&A at the end.

We've had 25+ workshops on topics like search & ranking, payments, payments for B2B marketplaces, insurance, marketplace tax obligations, low frequency marketplaces, marketplace metrics & KPIs, network effects, & fundraising. You can see the recordings from all of our past workshops here for reference. 

Learn more about our community workshops, View our Everything Marketplaces Workshops Manual

Other Online Events

We have other events like our Female Founders Group Meetings, which you can learn more about over in our female founders space. We also have other meetings and other online events that we do as requested by community members to connect with others (i.e: meeting with founders building early stage marketplaces in housing or real estate, B2B marketplaces, etc). These events are usually shared in the specific spaces where founders request them, then added to our community calendar.

Community Meetups

If you haven't attended one of our meetups, they're a great way to meet other marketplace founders & leaders from the community that are local. Our meetups are also a core part of the community and help build our local presence in cities, along with our network (with founders, teams, & investors that often host us). Our meetups range from more casual coffee meetups with 10-15 founders, happy hour meetups at marketplace startup or investor offices with 50+ founders, to even larger meetups with guest speakers and 100+ founders attending.

You can also see a recap post & pictures from our most recent San Francisco meetup here, London meetup here, and larger Los Angeles meetup here for reference.

Learn more about our community meetups, View our Everything Marketplaces Community Meetups Manual

Hopefully this post helps everyone learn more about our events, best practices for attending them, and how to get the most out of our community through our events. Lastly, I wanted to once again mention that our events are a core part of the community, so please be sure to join in on an event if you haven’t already. Hope to see you on an online event or at a meetup soon!

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