Highlighting Our Recent Community Meetups

Highlighting Our Recent Community Meetups

Blog Post
November 17, 2024

The Everything Marketplaces community has quickly grown to 2,500+ marketplace founders, teams, & leaders. With the growth of the community, we've been focused on creating stronger offline connections with our members. This is one of the reasons why we've started hosting meetups in cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York City, and even London more regularly.

We've had 10+ meetups in these cities (and more) over the past few months and hundreds of marketplace founders have attended them. We're putting together a recap post here to help highlight some of our meetups and community members.

Our Community Meetup At Headline In San Francisco

Note that you can see the full recap post with 30+ pictures from our most recent meetup at Headline in San Francisco here.

Our Community Meetup At Crexi In Los Angeles

Note that you can see the full recap post with 30+ pictures from our meetup at Crexi in Los Angeles here.

Our Community Meetup At FJ Labs In New York City

Note that you can see the full recap post with 50+ pictures from our meetup at FJ Labs in New York City here.

Our Community Meetup At Stride VC In London

Note that you can see the full recap post with 50+ pictures from our recent meetup at Stride VC in London here.

The above are a few pictures that help highlight some of our recent meetups. We've also had 10+ other meetups in cities like Chicago, Toronto, Washington, DC, and even Sydney.

We'd like to give a huge thanks to Craft Ventures, Headline, Stride VC, Crexi, FJ Labs, and others for hosting our meetups. Our meetups would also not be possible without our community leaders, so a big thanks to them as well for helping organize & leading our meetups.

We're excited to announce more meetups in 2025 and you can find some of our upcoming meetups on our community calendar in the meantime.

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