Starting & Scaling Bounce As A Luggage Storage Marketplace With Cody Candee | EM Group Chat #159

Group Chats
Cody Candee

Recording of the Everything Marketplaces Group Chat #159 (5/7) with Cody Candee, who's the CEO of Bounce. Bounce is a marketplace for luggage storage & package acceptance, which has scaled to over 10,000 storefront locations, 2,500+ cities, and serves millions of customers. Bounce is also backed by top investors like General Catalyst and a16z.

1:17 Cody's background & founding story for Bounce
6:58 Early strategies used to build initial marketplace liquidity
8:20 How Bounce launched & expanded into new markets
11:17 How Bounce is now in 2,500+ cities
12:10 An overview of Bounce as a marketplace for luggage storage & package acceptance
13:49 Learnings from managing liquidity across markets
17:07 How Bounce is acquiring marketplace demand & users
18:11 How Bounce builds trust as a marketplace & offers a protection policy
20:01 The Bounce team
Tips for building remote teams
22:18 How Bounce has raised from top investors like a16z
26:38 Group Q&A on tips for prioritizing marketplace features
29:39 Group Q&A on marketplace retention
32:15 Group Q&A on using a marketplace GM model
32:51 Group Q&A on network effects for Bounce
35:52 Group Q&A on tips for managing imbalances with liquidity
37:52 Cody sharing parting marketplace advice

Cody on Twitter:
Mike (Yoroomie) on Twitter:

You can also find this group chat in audio format as an episode on our new Everything Marketplaces podcast on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. You can also connect with marketplace founders & leaders from our group chats in the Everything Marketplaces community.